I'm currently 24 years old and living in Toronto Ontario. I have a college diploma in Police Foundations and Paramedics and also hold an undergraduate in Criminology. I am an active member of both the Liberal Party of Canada and a not-for-profit organization known as MADD (Mothers Against Drunk Driving). MADD is an organization that advocates against impaired driving and offers support services to victims of this inexcusable crime.
I'm from a small town in Northern Ontario called Marathon. Marathon is located directly in between Sault St. Marie and Thunder Bay. The town is ran off 3 gold mines and a paper mill. Check out Marathon's website at www.marathon.ca.
Please feel free to navigate around this site and explore around. Use the "links" section to access the official websites of some of the organizations I participate in.
Working with MADD:
I am an active member of MADD Canada, working specifically with the Toronto Chapter. Currently I volunteer as much time as I can, mostly working at R.I.D.E (Rid Impaired Driving Everywhere) spot checked ran by either the Ontario Provincial Police or the Toronto Police Service. I also devote a lot of time doing educational / informative or preventative work with the MADD organization.
My background working with the O.P.P. as well as my education (Paramedics and Policing) has been highly resourceful while working with this program. I find I am not only able to inform the public about the effects of impaired driving, but also give personal insight to how much tragedy this senseless crime costs Canadians annually.
I hope to train as a Victim Services Volunteer with this program once I have developed enough experience and report with the agency. Victim Services Volunteers are a key part of this organization, providing support for those who have become victims of the crime. Some of the services include:
- Accompanying victims to court proceedings
- Orienting victims about the services offered by MADD
- provide peer counseling and support
- Provide resources
And remember: Operating any type of motor vehicle while under the influence of ALCOHOL or DRUGS is ILLEGAL. PLEASE: If you drink, DON'T DRIVE!
Working with the LIBERAL party:
Politically, I am a HUGE supporter of the Liberal Party, both Nationally and Provincially. As a supporter, I try to volunteer as much of my time as possible. I've participated in Pride by both marching with the Liberals and by manning their display booth. I've worked community picnics and I've even met personally with George Smitherman (Deputy Premier of Ontario) Kathleen Whyne (Minister of Education, Ontario). I've also made a number of political donations to this party to keep them moving forward.
You can CONTACT the Liberal Party through the LINKS section of this page.